In a recent study published by Aon, organizations that focus on improving performance in areas impacting employee well-being are likely to see a corresponding improvement in certain business metrics. Furthermore, according to Harvard Business Review, human experience—defined as engagement, empowerment, and fulfillment with work—has emerged as the most significant differentiator for organizations that want to win the war for talent, enhance brand equity, and drive enhanced business performance.
Involve, a Columbus-based advertising and public relations agency, has been offering Human Performance training since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, and their clients have been very happy with the results.
Greg Niederlander, Involve’s Business & Human Performance Manager has over 30 years of leadership and coaching expertise experience and offers the following tips to companies looking to increase their human performance and ultimately, their bottom dollar.
1. Build Connection: Empower the organization to connect with new ways of thinking, embrace the strength of your brand, and move forward with confidence.
2. Surrender: Learn how to let go—or surrender—old ways of thinking and negative patterns in order to replace them with positive tools, actions and mentality for success.
3. Transition: Put new learning into practice and make it your own—so the entire team can smoothly transition into performing at their highest levels and living your brand.
4. Be Resilient: Prepare for challenges and obstacles by equipping the team with effective tools for staying the course, focusing on strengths, and coming out ahead over time.
To learn more about our Human Performance services please visit